
《小公主苏菲亚》第一季英文版 资源简介


小公主苏菲亚 第一季 Sofia the First Season 1 (2013)

导演: 萨姆·里格尔 / 杰米·米切尔 / Larry Leichliter
编剧: 克雷格·格伯 / Laurie Israel / Rachel Ruderman / Erica Rothschild / Doug Cooney / 卡特·克劳克 / Matt Boren
主演: 阿芮尔·温特 / 黛西·罗斯·布莱内斯 / 扎克·卡利森 / 韦恩·布莱迪 / 海登·拜尔利 / 更多
类型: 动画 / 家庭 / 儿童 / 奇幻
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
首播: 2013-01-11(美国)
季数: 1
集数: 24
单集片长: 23分钟
IMDb: tt2136138
豆瓣评分: 8.6

小公主苏菲亚 第一季的剧情简介

故事发生在一个神奇的魔法王国之中,平凡的女孩苏菲亚(阿芮尔·温特 Ariel Winter 配音)和母亲美兰达(莎拉·拉米尔兹 Sara Ramirez 配音)过着相依为命的日子,一天,母女两人受到了国王罗伦二世(特拉维斯·韦林汉 Travis Willingham 配音)的召见,罗伦二世对米兰达一见钟情,娶她做王后,就这样,苏菲亚一下子就成为了一国的公主。


迪士尼出品系列动画片《小公主苏菲亚》(Sofia the First),讲述了一个平凡女孩如何通过学习,慢慢成为一位真正的公主的故事


《小公主苏菲亚 Sofia the First》在美国开播后收视成绩亮眼,在学龄前儿童的收视族群中为同时段节目的冠军,同时在18到49岁女性观众中也是同时段节目的冠军。由此可见,这部动画片不仅让吸引了孩子们的目光,妈妈们也乐于跟孩子一同观赏这部优质的卡通节目。《小公主苏菲亚》除了本片主角外,还让迪斯尼经典公主如辛德瑞拉、爱丽儿、贝儿、奥劳拉、茉莉公主等等出现,一起来帮助苏菲亚学习成为新世代小公主所需要的品质。剧中熟悉的人物除了唤起家长们的回忆,也可以让家长孩子们观赏时有更多讨论与情感连结。


《小公主苏菲亚》第一季英文版 视频截图

《小公主苏菲亚》第一季英文版 视频目录

1. Just One of the Princes

Sofia and her family go to the Flying Royal Derby. The little princess is excited to see the event and even decides to participate.

2. The Big Sleepover

It’s Sofia’s first royal slumber party and Amber invites the other princesses to the event. Sofia invites her friends from town.

3. Let the Good Times Troll

Sofia enters the cave where the Trolls live. King Roland tells her that the Trolls can never leave their caves.

4. Cedric’s Apprentice

Sofia has a big test coming up in her spellcasting classes, but she can’t seem to get the spell down, so she asks Cedric for help.

5. A Royal Mess

The Golden Wing Circus returns to Enchancia and the kids want to see it. But James breaks a window playing ball in the castle.

6. The Shy Princess

The kids at school are assigned the task of designing the castle of their dreams, but it’s a group project and the teachers select the partners.

7. Blue Ribbon Bunny

Sofia enters Clover in the Village Faire pet contest and learns an important lesson in friendship after inadvertently hurting his feelings.

8. The Princess Test

It’s the day of the big princess test. Everyone gets ready with their best dresses. Mrs. Higgins asks for help, but everyone’s too busy to help her.

9. Baileywick’s Day Off

Baileywick’s brother Nigel comes to visit for his birthday. The King gives him the day off, but every time they try to leave, someone asks for help.

10. Tri-Kingdom Picnic

The Kingdoms of Wei-Ling, Khaldoun and Enchancia meet to celebrate a royal picnic and a day of outdoor games. James asks Sofia to be his teammate.

11. The Little Witch

It’s Jade’s birthday and she prepares a party and the whole town’s invited, except Lucinda, the witch, who treats everyone badly.

12. Two to Tangu

Everyone goes to the land of Tangu to visit Zandar. He’s getting ready to throw a big party with magic carpets.

13. Finding Clover

Clover thinks Sofia doesn’t have time for him, so he decides to go to a wizard who can turn him into a magic rabbit.

14. The Amulet of Avalor

Sofia and Amber take a jewel for the royal ball. One of the griffins, the creatures who guard the jewels, escapes.

15. The Buttercups

Sofia wants to go on a hike with her Buttercup troop, but King Roland insists on sending Baileywick, the castle steward, to keep Sofia safe.

16. Make Way for Miss Nettle

A new fairy teacher, Miss Nettle, who was once the apprentice of Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, arrives at Royal Prep to be a teacher for the after-school gardening club.

17. The Amulet and the Anthem

When Sofia brags about being chosen to sing the Enchancian anthem, her amulet puts a curse on her, which she must learn to undo.

18. Tea for Too Many

When Sofia is selected to host a Royal Prep tea party, Amber encourages her to “think big” to impress the princes and princesses.

19. Princess Butterfly

The students at Royal Prep must make their own costumes for this year’s All Hallows’ Eve costume contest.

20. Great Aunt-Venture

When Sofia reluctantly agrees to help her seemingly dotty Aunt Tilly bake an apple pie, she thinks she’s in for a boring day.

21. The Baker King

King Roland finds an enchanted mirror in the castle attic and accidentally makes a wish for a simple life as a village baker.

22. The Floating Palace

During her family vacation on a floating palace, Sofia arrives at a special cove and befriends a curious young mermaid.

23. Holiday in Enchancia

When a snowstorm prevents King Roland from returning home in time for the holidays, Sofia leads her family on a brave expedition to find him.

24. Four’s a Crowd

Sofia invites Jade and Ruby, her village friends, to join her and her sister, Amber, in the Flylight Pageant, an annual parade of flying coaches.


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