恩赫启蒙网收录的英语启蒙动画片《雨果带你看世界 What’s the big idea Season 1 (2013)》英文版,全部52集,英语发音,内置英文字幕。每集大小约60M,总大小3.17G,单集播放时长约5分钟,1080P超清MP4格式,可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种设备播放,含MP3音频文件,提供百度网盘下载,下载链接已经包含中英文两个版本+MP3音频资源

雨果带你看世界 What’s the big idea Season 1 (2013)》英文版 资源简介

《雨果带你看世界 What\'s the big idea Season 1 (2013)》英文版[全52集][英语字幕][1080P][MP4][含mp3音频文件]-1

雨果带你看世界 第一季 What’s the big idea Season 1 (2013)

类型: 动画 / 短片 / 家庭 / 儿童
官方网站: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/whats-the-big-idea
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
首播: 2013-03-18(英国)
季数: 1
集数: 52
单集片长: 5 min
又名: 小朋友大問題(台)
IMDb: tt2789208
豆瓣评分: 9.3

今天给大家推荐一款BBC纪录片雨果带你看世界》(What Is The Big Idea),豆瓣评分高达9.3分BBC经典之作。


《雨果带你看世界 What\'s the big idea Season 1 (2013)》英文版[全52集][英语字幕][1080P][MP4][含mp3音频文件]-1






《雨果带你看世界 What\'s the big idea Season 1 (2013)》英文版[全52集][英语字幕][1080P][MP4][含mp3音频文件]-2


《雨果带你看世界 What\'s the big idea Season 1 (2013)》英文版[全52集][英语字幕][1080P][MP4][含mp3音频文件]-3












雨果带你看世界 第一季 剧情简介

‘What’s the Big Idea?’ is CBeebies’ first ever Philosophy show for pre-schoolers. The programme takes children on a journey of philosophical enquiry with Hugo, its central character. Each episode begins with Hugo asking a ‘big’ question such as; ‘What is the difference between thinking and dreaming?’, ‘Can it ever be good to be angry?’ and ‘Why do people feel sad?’.

As Hugo travels through his beautiful landscape (and sometimes beyond, as he sometimes finds inspiration in outer space) in search of understanding, he meets a range of characters, based on the books of Oscar Brenifier and Jacques Després.

As his understanding develops in each episode, Hugo asks more questions, designed to draw the viewers into a deeper exploration of topics that are meaningful to them, such as friends, beauty, imagination, learning and fairness.

We hope that through enjoying Hugo’s adventures in the series, they will also find themselves relating to his experiences and maybe developing questions of their own.

Studies around the world have shown that regular participation in philosophical enquiry can have a whole host of significant benefits, such as increased academic attainment, better relationships and greater confidence in speaking to others, and many primary schools have started including some elements of philosophy in their curriculums. Children of nursery age and above are being encouraged to think not only creatively and critically, but also caringly (listening to each other’s ideas and respecting differences) and collaboratively (building on each other’s ideas and working together to make more sense of things).

《雨果带你看世界 What’s the big idea Season 1 (2013)》英文版 视频截图

《雨果带你看世界 What’s the big idea Season 1 (2013)》英文版 视频目录

01 What’s the Big Idea Big.mp4
02 What’s the Big Idea Friend.mp4
03 What’s the Big Idea Play.mp4
04 What’s the Big Idea Jealousy.mp4
05 What’s the Big Idea Learning.mp4
06 What’s the Big Idea School.mp4
07 What’s the Big Idea Kindness.mp4
08 What’s the Big Idea Fairness.mp4
09 What’s the Big Idea Heroes.mp4
10 What’s the Big Idea Nature.mp4
11 What’s the Big Idea Art.mp4
12 What’s the Big Idea Humans.mp4
13 What’s the Big Idea Work.mp4
14 What’s the Big Idea Thinking.mp4
15 What’s the Big Idea Difference.mp4
16 What’s the Big Idea Sad.mp4
17 What’s the Big Idea Memory.mp4
18 What’s the Big Idea Knowledge.mp4
19 What’s the Big Idea Decisions.mp4
20 What’s the Bio Idea Advice.mp4
21 What’s the Big Idea Home.mp4
22 What’s the Big Idea Anger.mp4
23 What’s the Big Idea Beautiful.mp4
24 What’s the Big Idea Truth.mp4
25 What’s the Big Idea Pets.mp4
26 What’s the Big Idea Sharing.mp4
27 What’s the Big Idea Others.mp4
28 What’s the Big Idea Rules.mp4
29 What’s the Big Idea lnfinity.mp4
30 What’s the Big Idea Mind.mp4
31 What’s the Big Idea Clever.mp4
32 What’s the Big Idea Patience.mp4
33 What’s the Big Idea Senses.mp4
34 What’s the Big dea Music.mp4
35 What’s the Big Idea Obedience.mp4
36 What’s the Big Idea Grown-ups.mp4
37 What’s the Big Idea Growing Up.mp4
38 What’s the Big Idea Fear.mp4
39 What’s the Big Idea Dreams.mp4
40 What’s the Big Idea Alowed.mp4
41 What’s the Big Idea Strength.mp4
42 What’s the Big Idea lmagination.mp4
43 What’s the Big Idea Fight.mp4
44 What’s the Big Idea Choice.mp4
45 What’s the Big Idea Family.mp4
46 What’s the Big Idea Love.mp4
47 What’s the Big Idea Desire.mp4
48 What’s the Big Idea Co.mpromise.mp4
49 What’s the Big Idea Preference.mp4
50 What’s the Big Idea Change.mp4
51 What’s the Big Idea Old.mp4
52 What’s the Big Idea Brave.mp4


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