

There is a popular belief that children as language learners are superior to adults. They are language talents, and the earlier the enlightenment is, the better. Then what should children learn in English Enlightenment education?1、持续不断的听力输入1. Access to Nursery Rhymes and Animated Cartoons.对于参与英语启蒙的孩子来说,儿歌和动画无疑是学习内容的首选。其中,儿歌活泼的节奏和简短的歌词能让孩子在短时间内掌握大部分的英文单词。而动画以其绚丽多彩的画面吸引着孩子的注意力,极大地提高了孩子们的学习兴趣,生动形象的画面也有助于孩子学习和理解英文当中的一些抽象事物。For pre-school children in kindergarten to engage in English enlightenment education, nursery rhymes and animated cartoons are not doubt the first choices. It’s been observed nursery rhymes are a great way to learn how to speak the English language better because they are short enough to memorize after one or two repetitions. While animated cartoon promotes the interest of the young learner with fantasy and colorful pictures and reinforces the learning of abstract items.以上两种学习内容都能让孩子更高效地学习单词,并将英语表达运用于日常对话中。要知道任何学习都离不开重复的练习,只有坚持才有积累,才有进步哦。Both these methods have the power to foster children to pick up vocabulary words and promoted their practical usage in real life situations. Please note that repetition is the key to any learning, and learners would be surprised how it will work for themselves.2、在绘本阅读中习得英语2. Picking up English through Picture Books.阅读是下一步的学习内容,听力基础不错的孩子在阅读英语绘本的时候会非常快,因为大部分句子和单词都已经在听力阶段掌握了。绘本拥有丰富多彩的人物和简单基础的表达,能够让英语阅读变得更具趣味性。Reading is the next step. Children with good listening skills can read English picture books very quickly as they have already acquired enough words and sentences. Picture books features a colorful cast of characters and very basis language vocabulary, which making English learning more enjoyable.作为语言学习中的重要一环,阅读能够帮助孩子意识到英语阅读也可以是有趣和愉快的,而且也是培养英语思维的重要手段。As an important part of language learning, reading helps children realize that English reading can also be fun and enjoyable. Moreover, it is an important means of cultivating English thinking.3、系统化学习自然拼读3. Early Stage for Systematic Phonics Study自然拼读是英语为母语国家的孩子学习读写之前一定要学习的拼读单词的方式。和我们熟悉的音标不同,自然拼读是在字母组合和单词发音之间建立直接的联系,掌握这个原则,孩子的英语学习会顺利很多,对于新的单词也能够更快地接受。Systematic phonics study is the way English-speaking children must learn to spell words before they learn to read and write. Unlike the phonetic symbols we are familiar with, phonics study is a direct link between letter combinations and the pronunciation of words. By mastering this principle, childrens English learning will be much smoother, and new words can be learned more quickly.在自然拼读的学习过程中,一对一的互动可以为孩子们提供更多学习机会,根据自己的进度和水平实现英语学习的全面发展。同时,坚持不懈地学习和实践必不可少,这样才能在实际运用中获得更多的机会来不断巩固自然拼读的知识。During the process of phonics study, the one-to-one interaction of sharing phonic knowledge can give children added opportunities to develop holistically at their own speed and level. In the meantime, it’s recommended that persistent learning and practice should be pursued and sought by students so that they are given more opportunities to apply and consolidate phonics knowledge in practice.


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